Wednesday, 7 October 2015

Intracellular Structures of Prokaryotes.

So in this entry, I'm going to write about intracellular structures of prokaryotes.
As we all know, prokaryote means no nucleus. 
This is briefly the differences of prokaryotes and eukaryotes.


And here is a picture of a bacterium with the intracellular structures.

It's gonna be a lot to write if we want to list down all the structures and their functions. And because of that, I would like to focus on just one structure which is not included in the picture above, Endospore.
 For me, endospore is quite interesting because of its characteristics which can withstand extreme condition. It also need special dye to stain it, so that we can observe it under microscope. 

Endospore also have few positions;


These are some things that I could share here. I will update this entry if I find anything more interesting.

That's all for now. Thank you! 


Cell Wall and Membrane Structure of Prokaryotes.

Assalamualaikum and hi:) 

I'm going to continue previous entry with next topic which is about cell wall. We have been learning about cell wall since our first semester. As Dr Wan said, we should have been able to identify and classify type of cell wall.

For me, what are the things that are important in this topic is about the functions of each structures and the differences between gram positive and gram negative bacteria.

I find out a new way to remember a little bit about gram positive cell wall. Well it might be simple, but it could help us from being confused between gram positive and gram negative. Especially during exam(well our brain least function during exams right? Or maybe just my brain).

For gram posi+ive:
+hick peptidoglycan
+echoid acid

So from here, we know that gram positive have thicker peptidoglycan compared to gram negative. And gram positive have techoid acid as well, which gram negative have none. 

Oh yes, this maybe could help too.

 And it is important too, to recognize the differences between cell wall of archaea and cell wall of bacteria.

So basically these are the things that I would like to highlight in this entry. 

Till then!

Saturday, 3 October 2015

Introduction to Prokaryotes

Assalamualaikum and hi! This is my first entry for my third semester. So here we go. 

Our first topic is actually not something new to us. It is aaaalllll about prokaryotes. But there are few new things of course. We learned about proteobacteria

Over all there are six of them;
Just click on them to find out more okayyy.
I also found out that Deinococcus radiodurans is actually called as 'Conan the Bacterium'.
Why is it called with a name like that??
For those who have the same age as me, or basically 90's kids, we only know about Detective Conan, that famous Japan cartoon hahaha so of course we are going to wonder why this bacterium is called as 'Conan'. The name actually is originated from a movie entitled, 'Conan The Barbarian'. In this movie, Conan is the main character. He is very brave and strong of course. So basically Deinococcus radiodurans is called with that name is because of its characteristics which able withstand any extreme conditions. 
Well, I actually learned 2 new things. About the movie(haha) and what 'Conan' is all about. 
 I think this is enough for this entry. Gonna continue on next entry!
Deinococcus radiodurans

The movieeeee